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How BoviWalk works

The cow is identified by its ear tag and a video is automatically streamed to the BoviWalk server when the cow leaves the milking area.

Lame cows exhibit characteristics such as an arched back, head nodding, irregular stride length on the front and hind legs, and a slow and hesitant gait.

Longevity is automatically classified using AI and historical data for each cow.

You receive daily updates on herd health and which cows require treatment.

The cow's ID can be transferred to the farm management system, which automatically guides the cow into an observation area the next time it passes a given gate.

A general herd health assessment can be done automatically and shared with government authorities or dairy companies.


BoviWalk as a service

Installation costs

You pay for the installation of the IP camera, ear tag reader and local data collection device and provide an internet connection free of charge. Access to the farm's existing internet connection will typically be sufficient.

Monthly subscriptions

You pay a fixed monthly subscription per cow per month, including all cows in the herd.

This subscription includes continuous monitoring of all dairy cows on the farm, access to online reports and statistics on the health of individual cows and the general welfare of the entire herd.

Healthy cows increase profits

Early detection of lameness and prompt treatment will significantly extend the cow's lifespan and lead to increased earnings per cow.

Early treatment of lameness will also result in a reduction of CO2 emissions as the productive lifespan is increased compared to the unproductive growth of the cow.

In Denmark, there is a growing emphasis on animal welfare, leading dairy companies to demand regular assessment and reporting of the proportion of lame cows in dairy farms' herds.
